
YUI Editor in Movabletype v1.3

Richard Benson13 May 2010YUIEditor, MT Plugins, MovableTypecomments
A new version of the YUI Rich Text Editor in MovableType is available, this version adds a new button to your toolbar that will search your entry's text and extract terms that can then easily be added as tags.

Personally, I can never think of proper tags for all my entries, so I created this. Based on an article from, I took the concepts there and added them to the YUI RTE plugin.

To enable auto-tagging you will need to get yourself an appid from the Yahoo! Developer Network, but it's very straightforward.

Once you have an appid, enter it into the blog plugin config page and a button will be added to your RTE toolbar which, when pressed, will scan your text for terms and present you with a list of suggested tags, which you can then click on to add them to your tags field.

Currently only searches the active page (body/extended), so try it on both to get the best results if you are using an extended entry.

Download YUI Rich Text Editor for MovableType 4 v1.3

Adding YUI RTE in MovableType Community Solution

Richard Benson13 May 2010MovableType, MT Tipscomments

On certain sites, you may want to allow your users a little more freedom with their comments, or if you're using the community templates in MovableType, then you may want to improve the "Create Entry" screens to allow rich text.

I managed to squeeze the YUI RTE into a stock forum template set, then just haven't got round to writing it up yet. ?You can see it in action here, and below the jump is the write-up, it's surprisingly easy!
I've also put it on here, for registered commenters, something else that needs a write-up really!

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